Symposium on color vision and facial skin color (6/18-19)

  • 色覚研究会
  • 2024年06月12日


Minho大学のSérgio Nascimento先生とManchester大学のKinjiro Amano先生が来日されるのに合わせて、6月18-19日にSymposium on color vision and facial skin colorを千葉大学で開催予定です。

Announcement: Symposium on color vision and facial skin color, June 18-19@Chiba Univ.

We are pleased to host a symposium on color vision facial skin color, with Dr. Sérgio Nascimento as the keynote speaker.
There is no fee to attend, but registration is required.

Please register by June 16 (by June 14 if you wish to join the Social gathering on June 18).
We will send Zoom link on June 17.

Symposium on color vision and facial skin color
Dates: June 18 and 19, 2024
Place: Chiba University, Conference Room on the 2nd floor, Engineering Research Building 2
& online *As we don’t use a fully developed online meeting system, the audio quality may sometimes be poor. Thank you for your understanding.

Tentative Program
June 18
13:00-14:00 Opening & Keynote
          Sérgio Nascimento (Physics Center of Minho and Porto Universities (CF-UM-UP))
            ”Spectral imaging in color vision research – illumination, discrimination, and preferences”
14:15-14:45 Hideki Tamura (Toyohashi University of Technology)
          ”Visual cues for moisture perception of facial skin”
14:45-15:15 Kumiko Kikuchi (Shiseido Co., LTD) *on line
          ”Measurement of optical properties of facial skin and its effect on appearance”
15:15-15:45 Ichiro Kuriki (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University)
          ”Categorical color representation in the human brain”

16:00-17:00 Student presentations:
 Hoang Nam Nguyen, Hideki Tamura, Tetsuto Minami, Shigeki Nakauchi (Toyohashi University of Technology)
  “The effect of facial color on implicit facial expressions”
 Yuya Hasegawa, Hideki Tamura, Shigeki Nakauchi, Tetsuto Minami (Toyohashi University of Technology)
  “Facial expressions affect the memory of facial colors”
 Shun Kurosawa, Hiromi Sato, Yoko Mizokami (Chiba University)
  “Skin color change discrimination and the diversity of color vision”
 Yuanyuan He, Hiromi Sato, Yoko Mizokami (Chiba University)
  “Influence of skin color to facial impression”

17:15-18:45   Social gathering

June 19
10:00-10:30 Kinjiro Amano (University of Manchester)
         ”Human colour vision with natural surfaces, artistic works, and skin”
10:30-11:00 Masaki Mori (Center for Data Science, Waseda University)
         ”Spatial properties of brightness illusions : the role of center and periphery”
11:10-11:40 Yoko Mizokami (Chiba University)
         ”Face color perception for naturalistic skin color change”
11:40-12:10 Takehiro Nagai (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
         ”Color appearance influenced by color experiences”
12:10   Closing

13:30-14:30   Informal event: Lab tour (Mizokami-Sato lab)

Organizer: Yoko Mizokami, Hiromi Sato, He Yuanyuan  (Chiba University)

Sponsored by:
Formation of a Strategic Base in Asia Creating and Developing Global Minded Imaging Science (BAGIS), JSPS “Research Center Formation Project-B: JPJSCCB20220006”
Special Interest Group on Color Vision in Color Science Association of Japan
Chiba Vision Meeting

Contact: Yoko Mizokami: