AIC Newsletter Q4 2021 について

日本色彩学会 会員各位


この度,AIC Newsletter Q4 2021 が発行されましたので,皆様にお届けします.


一般社団法人 日本色彩学会 事務局


– 以下,AICからのメッセージを転送します –

Dear Members

What a great way to start the New Year but with the latest edition of the AIC Newsletter.

On behalf of Ralf Weber, you can now download the Q4 2021 AIC Newsletter or find it on the AIC website.

Please keep in mind the deadline for the Q1 2022 Newsletter is February 20, 2022. If you have any questions please direct them to Ralf

Best Regards,

Leslie Harrington
AIC Vice President

AIC Newsletter Q3 2021 について

日本色彩学会 会員各位


この度,AIC Newsletter Q3 2021 が発行されましたので,皆様にお届けします.


一般社団法人 日本色彩学会 事務局


– 以下,AICからのメッセージを転送します –

Dear Colleagues in the AIC color community,

enclosed please find the AIC Newsletter for the 3. Quarter.

Thank you to all the contributors.

Happy reading!

Ralf Weber

AIC Newsletter Q1 2021 について

日本色彩学会 会員各位

この度,AIC Newsletter Q1 2021 が発行されましたので,皆様にお届けします.


一般社団法人 日本色彩学会 事務局

— 以下,AICからのメッセージを転送します —

Dear AIC Members,

Welcome to the first issue of AIC’s new quarterly newsletter.

From now on, we will keep you up to date about activities around the theory and practice of color.
Not only is our newsletter a platform that will announce upcoming activities e.g., calls for conferences and papers and report on research projects, publications, current exhibitions and art projects, but it will also be a forum for reporting on very recent activities of individuals involved in the AIC as well as in the wider color community beyond AIC’s boundaries.

You can download a copy and also find it on the AIC website.

Please send the newsletter on to other organizations and individuals in the field of color.

We welcome your suggestions for future issues as well.
We hope that highlighting individuals who make AIC’s colour activities happen will strengthen the bond between our members, and of course, we hope to attract people outside of the association to participate in AIC activities in the future and inspire our readers to build connections to each other.

We are all exploring ways to better support the work of colleagues and friends during this time of lock-down.
This newsletter will be one means of doing this ?
we hope you enjoy our first issue and support our future efforts by sending us your submissions for the next issue by May 7th 2021.

With best regards,

Ralf Weber
AIC Secretary



AIC 14th Congress 2021 – Call for abstracts

The 14th Congress of the AIC (International Colour Association) will be held online, from August 30th to September 3rd 2021, organized by the “GdC-Associazione Italiana Colore”.

Submit your abstract online by March 31st 2021.
On the AIC2021 website you will find information on the Call for Papers, Keynote Speakers, Special Sessions, AIC Study Groups and other information on the Congress.
Do not miss the opportunity to participate with your presentation at a unique multidisciplinary event in the world, held every four years since 1969, on all topics relating to colour.

Announcement for AIC Newsletter

日本色彩学会 会員の皆様


— 以下,AICからのお知らせ —

Dear Members of the International Color Community,

We are excited to announce that starting 2021, the International Association of Color will launch a quarterly newsletter for its members and others interested in activities around the theory and practice of color.

Color encompasses a wide field including science, design, art, psychology, marketing, education and many other disciplines. Many of these form communities with their own tightly knit and often very insular networks which address news and upcoming activities, yet often there is little discourse between these different specialized groups.

While each of these groups have more or less well developed email list-serves, members of other groups often do not hear much about the activities outside their own area and might miss opportunities to participate in interdisciplinary projects or in a wider discourse on color in general.

The AIC Newsletter will endeavor to close some of these gaps.  It will have a two-fold function:

*   Broadcast information about the fascinating research and activities happening within AIC amongst the membership
*   Provide a space to check-in on news and upcoming activities planned by color organizations and individuals outside AIC

The newsletter will announce upcoming activities, but it should also become a forum for reporting on very recent events of individuals involved in the AIC and also will reach beyond its membership to other color communities outside of AIC.

Needless to say, some information might be redundant regarding, for instance, activities of the individual study groups within AIC, but it will give non-members a glimpse into what’s being discussed in these groups. We are excited to learn about what your organization or you personally have done recently, what you are currently working on and what your plans are for future activities. Some of you share activities on platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram, so why not in the AIC Newsletter as well.

The first newsletter will be published in the beginning of March, please send us information by February 14th: Content may include:

*   upcoming conferences
*   calls for papers
*   new research
*   recent activities
*   your recent publications; link to articles
*   funding sources
*   courses you offer
*   study group activities
*   links to sites about color you recommend

Submission Format: text (Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, Apple Pages, images (jpeg 300dpi), author, association name, country, email address, comments for editor

We look forward to developing and growing this new communication tool to strengthen the AIC community and its members.