AIC2011事務局からのお見舞いメール:地震によりAIC 2011 手続き締め切り延長が必要な方は連絡してください
- 2011年03月12日
AIC 2011 の事務局から,地震のお見舞いと,地震の関係で
各種手続きの deadlineを延長してほしい人は連絡してほしい
Dear AIC 2011 Authors in Japan,
We are all very shocked and saddened by the terrible images we’ve been seeing of the strong earthquake in Japan and we wish to express our solidarity and sorrow. If you need any more time to meet the AIC 2011 deadlines as a result of the earthquake, please let us know.
Kind regards,
Verena M. Schindler
The AIC 2011 Scientific Committee
Interaction of Colour & Light in the Arts and Sciences
Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association
7-10 June 2011, Zurich, Switzerland