【AIC】国際カラーデー ロゴ募集

  • 2012年04月05日

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応募:1人1点限り/〆切:2012年(平成24)年5月10日(金)/応募作品は,jpg形式のデジタル形式/デザインの長辺が1000ピクセル以内/応募作品は,電子メールでのみ受付(電子メールの添付ファイルとして送付すること)/電子メールの表題(Subject)は「International Colour Day」とする/電子メールの宛先は berit.bergstrom@ncscolour.com


International Colour Association
Internationale Vereinigung für die Farbe
Association Internationale de la Couleur

International Colour Day – March 21st

Call for Logo Competition for the International Colour Day


An international day of colour and light has been considered as appropriate since colour is, thanks to sight, one of the most influential phenomena in people’s lives and also one of the channels that contributes most greatly to the perception of reality. All around the world we will create memorable colour activities during the same colourful day!

Why March 21st?

March 21st every year is the “equinox” – aequus (equal) and nox (night). Around the equinox, the night and day are approximately equally long, symbolically relating to the complementary nature of light and darkness, light and shadow expressed in all human cultures.

Activities and Events that could be unfolded on an International Colour Day

• Arts exhibitions, architectural projects, design, decoration, fashion….
• Meetings, debates, scientific events…..
• Workshops on the use of colour and light for both adults and children.
• Contests on colour and light design.
• Decide on your identity colour, wear it and use it during the International Colour Day!
• Put it on your web sites!
• These are some examples….


The adoption of this day has been agreed among the members of AIC. We are now opening a competition for the creation of a logo, to provide an image to be a focus of attention. The AIC seeks an attractive logo for branding and promotion of the International Colour Day. The logo should be colourful, eye‐catching, and show the excitement of such a day.

It should be adaptable for use at various scales in print, stationery, presentation graphics and on the Web. It should also be effective in grey‐scale or black‐and‐white for monochrome copy. Visit our web site to see other examples of logos used within AIC www.aic-colour.org

Entry Conditions

The logo should be designed digitally and submitted in JPG image file format, attached to an email message. The longer dimension of the image should not exceed 1,000 pixels. Entries should be sent to berit.bergstrom@ncscolour.com and clearly marked in the subject line the “International Colour Day”.

The closing date is Friday 10th May 2012. Only one entry may be submitted per person. The panel of judges will assess the designs by viewing at full‐screen size on an LCD flat‐panel display, without knowledge of the identity of each entrant. The judges’ decision will be final.
The judges reserve the right not to make an award. The winner will be asked to supply the digital design in origination format (such as AI, PSD, EPS, BMP).

The winning design will remain the intellectual property of the designer, who will grant a license to the AIC EC committee to use it for all purposes associated with the AIC International Colour Day.

This is an equal‐opportunity competition, with no restrictions on nationality, age, affiliation, or any other aspect of the identity of entrants, except that members of the AIC EC committee are not eligible.


The winning designer will get a free participant’s fee to AIC Interim Meeting including free hotel nights during the AIC Meeting. The winning design and the winner will be announced at the AIC Interim Meeting 2012 on 22-25 September, 2012 with the theme “In Color We Live: Color and environment” at Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, organized by the Color Association of Taiwan (CAT)

The winning design and the designer will be featured in publications and web pages of the AIC. The winning design will be adopted immediately and used in all promotional materials for the International Colour Day over the coming years.
